The Only Good Sex


Reflection on Stacie’s hypothesis that American Christian beliefs about hierarchy and inequality in the home are negatively affecting the sex lives of evangelicals and others whose ideologies or theologies reject the basic equality of all partners in a sexual relationship. Also a discussion of why people fight at campsites and the conditions in which people can be genuine friends.

This season, we're talking about nourishment, and this is a casual investigation into the nourishing role of positive, healthy and non-coercive sexuality. In many ways this is an experiment in appealing to conservative religious men not to their heads or their hearts, but their libidos. Or, to use contemporary but vulgar parlance, we are trying to intentionally “cock block” the “dicks” whose selfish sexuality is unenjoyable to their partners and ultimately unsatisfying for their own lives, yet we do this because we hope that this egoistic reasoning will lead to a release from egoism in the end and result in a changed perspective and realization of the intrinsic value of all human beings.

Stuff We Mention

FINALLY, check out this song by the amazing Jah9, who sings about the mutuality of love we’re trying to get at with this episode: