Mormon Dietary Traditions
Mormon farmer carrying cane to crusher in Irvins, Washington County, Utah. Photo by Lee, Russell, 1903-1986. Public domain.
We explore the historical background of the dietary traditions and rules of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, AKA Mormons. Learn about fry sauce, root beer, and dirty soda, along with some general background on the history and development of a quintessentially American religion, and its well-known food and beverage practices.
Root beer made at home
Doctrine and Covenants and the Word of Wisdom section
The Dixie Wine Mission and wine in southern Utah
Polygamy and the government’s control of marriage laws
Swig and Sodalicious
This dude above ^^^ is someone we ran into in Portland who is an ex-Mormon who goes by Jesus Herbert Christ officially and performs weddings if you’re in the market for that.