S1E10 Wisdom from the Road Pt 4: Lessons from Friends Old & New

Jeff with the groovy owners of Casey Jones’ Distillery, Kentucky.

Jeff with the groovy owners of Casey Jones’ Distillery, Kentucky.

Still reflecting on lessons from our sabbatical overland trip, we turn to specific bits of wisdom shared with us by people we’ve met along the way. Some were folks we met for the first time; others were old friends who have a permanent place in our hearts. The second segment (starting at 01:05) is an interview with Amber, our friend who told us for the first time she’d struggled with a condition called hyperhidrosis. Not only was it a source of anxiety for her, but it caused her to find going to church incredibly uncomfortable. What else, we ask, might people have in their secret lives that keep them from enjoying religious communities, and how can people in those communities be more understanding even when they don’t know what there is to understand in the first place?

Stacie bellying up to the bar at the Casey Jones Distillery.

Stacie bellying up to the bar at the Casey Jones Distillery.

Barn’s burnt down. Now I can see the moon.
— Mizuta Masahide, 17th century Japanese poet and samurai.

This podcast was produced from the docs behind Big Daddy’s Grill in Fairhope, Alabama, where we were staying through the graciousness of the owner. We recommend the crab claws! We also mention our stay at the legal moonshine operation, Casey Jones Distillery. We mention Kentucky burgoo; here’s a recipe.

If you haven’t check out the documentary Jesus Camp, which we mention briefly.

We mention the author Amy Frykholm whose books we mention, especially See Me Naked, Rapture Culture and a wonderful work on Julian of Norwich: a Contemplative Biography.

We discuss the music of Bill Callahan and Jeff’s favorite album these days, Have Fun With God

We mention the music of Ruben Moreno’s outfit Mariachi Luz De Luna, who often play with the band Calexico.

Next year, you should check out the delightful Tucson festival called HOCO.

Our friend Heather Choate Davis invited us to a service in L.A. associated with LINC LA.

Jeff and Aidan at Orange County’s Shuck.

Jeff and Aidan at Orange County’s Shuck.

Here’s a link to the old Virtue in the Wasteland interview with Jay Reinke, subject of an award winning documentary.

We recommended the restaurant in Orange County, CA called Shuck, where Jeff and son Aidan ate Oysters next to Tré Cool, drummer of Green Day several months back.

If you are near San Diego and looking for a cool musical venue, consider what’s playing at The Casbah where Jeff made a bunch of noise during a Calexico encore in 2001. The song was “Stray”

 If you want to get in touch with Amber to learn about her experience with overcoming hyperhidrosis, shoot us an email and we’ll send it her way. You can also just check out the device she mentioned and decide for yourself if it is right for you.


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