S1E14 Mythologize Me

The Twentieth Miracle
By Wayne Boyd

This is more of a laid back conversational show. Imagine we're just sitting around on couches, with a fire glowing. In the first segment we discuss how myths affect the way we approach life. How some myths become outdated and need replacement. Guest Auggie Mallinson (who co-wrote and performed the old ViW theme music and was a guest on this show about video games) talks about Gilbert Ryle on myth and the important lessons from the animated series Bojack Horseman, which teaches us that character is formed slowly over time, and it is unhealthy for us to expect quick resolution to life challenges. In the second hour, we interview Wayne Boyd, a recently retired army chaplain who is a pacifist who wrote a book called The Twentieth Miracle, which looks back on life challenges and renarrates them. Wayne led the team that developed suicide prevention training for the entire army. We discuss the challenges there, and discuss his journey out of fundamentalism. His wife Sharon joins us part way through. We were grateful to join them for dinner.  

We discuss:

The music for the transition is from our dear Mana Nikjou, and is called “Marde Man.”

TW: Combat Trauma, Discussion of Suicide Among Combat Veterans

Jeffrey MallinsonComment