S2E1 Put Down the Dishes (Luke 10:38-42) PYNWJ1


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Main Point: Jesus invites us to set aside the burdens of religiosity and focus on the main point: his message of good news for people looking for peace.

To get a pre-release copy of chapter one, click here. You can also get future copies every other week by becoming a patron.

The story of Mary and Martha is the story of the difference between genuine spirituality and frantic religiosity. Religion too often, like Martha, is so caught up in its busy-ness, too worried about getting ready for the event, that it fails to recognize when the Event has already arrived. This passage teaches us not only to refuse to let religiosity get in our way, it gives all seekers permission to recognize that, just because someone is active and ubiquitous in a religious community, that doesn’t mean they get to boss folks around or even that they have an especially good handle on true faith.

This addresses the first of twelve chapters in Protect Your Noggin with Jesus, a twelve chapter study book, which will be the focus for this season. Study along with us by just listening and contemplating as we go. Or, you can learn more about how to get copies of the written materials. We’ll be addressing a new chapter every other week, and then sharing related discussions during alternate weeks.

During the first ten minutes: Jeff introduces season two and why we are focusing on the teachings of Jesus this round.

09:30: The subsequent 40 minutes: our core discussion about Mary and Martha, and why legalism can be exhausting.

Break: The song is by Jeff’s former student Jonathan Geidel, and entitled “I’ll Catch You.”

40:00: We discuss some of the questions we have in the study book (find out more about that at www.protectyournoggin.org).

We mention a dealership called Karma. Jeff didn’t realize they weren’t the same as the Lamborghini folks down the block.

Discussion questions:  

  • Overall, has religion been more of a healing or more of a harming element in your life? How so? 

  • Is there a religious activity that does not bring you life that you wish you could cut out of your schedule? Is there an activity that you wish you could experience more often, or for the first time?

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