S2E12 Peace Amid Panic


Reflections on our anxious times facing Covid-19 and uncertainties. A poem from Isaac Frazee. Stacie shares insights from her training as a death doula that apply to valuing life in the present. A bonus reflection from Stacie on Tao Te Ching chapter 10 closes the show out. 

 Here is the text of our rendering of Tao Te Ching 10:

Can you balance 

your mind and body

and grasp the unity 

of everything?

Can you soften your breath

and become like a sleeping baby?

Can you rinse from your eyes

whatever is clouding your vision?

Can you lovingly lead people,

instead of trying to control them?

Can you open and close

the door to heaven

like a woman giving birth?

Can you bring light to others,

rather than trying to force them 

to become enlightened?

Give birth, suckle, and

rear offspring, but 

do not try to own them.

Do something great but don’t brag about it.

Cultivate without crushing.

Mastering this is profound Te.

Here’s a link to the prayer labyrinth finder: https://labyrinthlocator.com

Here’s a link to Insight Timer: https://insighttimer.com

To contact Stacie, as discussed, email us.

Don’t lose heart friends. We are in this together. Keep your wits about you. Love overcomes fear.

A poem in the handwritten notes of Isaac Frazee, which Jeff and his son Auggie got to check out at UCI.

A poem in the handwritten notes of Isaac Frazee, which Jeff and his son Auggie got to check out at UCI.

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